Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility March 2022 - Glacier Club

Glacier Spotlight: The Durango Independent Film Festival

Every year, the Durango community comes together to celebrate the spirit and ingenuity of independent cinema. Earlier this month from March 2-6, the 17th annual Durango Independent Film Festival showcased over 100 new independent pictures against the picturesque backdrop of southwestern Colorado.

Returning to in-person programming, the reputed filmmaker’s festival screened an impressive and eclectic mix of narrative features, documentaries, and short films. There were also illuminating coffee talks with the participating filmmakers, intimate and emotional panels with industry veterans, and even a hands-on screenwriting workshop with Liz Tuccillo (Sex and the City, Divorce). There were also brilliant post-screening Q&As, some of which moved both the director and audience to tears. 

In addition to parties throughout the week, the festival also hosted nightly gatherings in the private filmmaker’s lounge with complimentary beverages—including their own festival beer brewed by SKA Brewing.

The week was filled with passion and praise, and we’re excited to continue this long local tradition of engaging with art in our community. 

Standout Films

Ferryman by Darren Bender — Best Narrative Feature
Marvelous and the Black Hole by Kate Tsang — Best Narrative Feature (Audience Award)
To Which We Belong by Pamela Boll and Lindsay Richardson — Best Documentary
ON/OFF by Nicolas Villarreal — Best Animated Short
ALA KACHUU – Take and Run by Maria Brendle — Best Short (Audience Award), Honorable Mention: Live Action Narrative Short

The Pinnacle of Mountain Living: The Summit at Glacier

A breathtaking escape into undisturbed natural wilderness, perched upon the premier vantage point in the San Juan Mountains — this is The Summit at Glacier. Located within a secluded enclave at the northernmost point in the Glacier community, this collection of luxury homesites represent a rare opportunity to craft an uncompromising estate with unrivaled privacy and majestic mountain vistas that span the horizon.

More Land Than Ever

The initial phase of this enclave consists of nine homesites above the Mountain Golf course, with the largest parcels of land ever offered at Glacier. Spanning from 0.7 to 3.8 acres, these sites are priced from $750,000 to $1.5M. Presales for Phase I of The Summit at Glacier are available now.

More Limited Than Ever

Uniquely situated in mountain wilderness, this enclave is in a class of its own. This limited collection offers the most spectacular and expansive homesites offered at Glacier. Surrounded by thousands of acres of protected forests and poised upon a awe-worthy alpine vantage point, The Summit offers both seclusion and exclusivity without sacrifice. 

For more information, get in touch with our sales team at [email protected].

Glacier’s Green Initiatives

We deeply appreciate the inexplicable, heartfelt experience that nature gifts to humanity. As a community shaped by nature, carved into the heart of a grand ecosystem — we strive to honor our Glacier’s ecological legacy. In addition to our environmental projects that have been running for the past decade, Glacier will continue to introduce new projects and initiatives. Here are some of the projects we’ve been working on to reduce our environmental footprint.

Community Recycling

In 2015, Glacier started our community-wide recycling program. Involving all of our facilities and residences, the recycling program serves to conserve natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, mitigate landfill growth, protect natural ecosystems and benefit the local economy. 

Going Solar

Starting this year, Glacier is partnering with the Durango-based Shaw Solar to install approximately 350 kilowatts of solar generation capacity. The solar arrays aim to cover over 96% of the energy usage of the wastewater treatment plant, the Valley Clubhouse, and the Glacier maintenance facilities and offices. On an annual basis, our new solar project’s pollution avoidance is projected to:

  • Remove 408 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
  • Eliminate 88.8 passenger vehicles from the road for a 1 year period (and the pollution equivalent of driving 1,025,801 miles). 
  • Avoid the burning of 451,139 pounds of coal
  • Eliminate the equivalent of 5.4 tanker trucks of gasoline
  • Provide enough power to electrify 74.1 homes
  • Remove the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere as planting 6,749 trees

Composting Initiative

Covering all of our bases, Glacier is also reducing and renewing organic waste by partnering with local food waste solution Table to Farm Compost. Touching base with each of Glacier’s various dining outlets, this partnership not only reduces landfills and the potent methane gasses they emit, but also enriches our soil and supports our farmers.

Greening our Golf Course

Only 850 golf courses around the world are certified as Audubon Cooperative Sanctuaries for Golf— Glacier’s being one of them since 2010. Our course is monitored under the criteria of site assessment/environmental planning, wildlife and habitat management, chemical use reduction and safety, water conservation, water quality management, and outreach and education. 

Roughly 20 percent of the water used on our course is reclaimed—and our new pond fill installation will raise that percentage even higher. Our water quality is improved by aerators and live grass carp. Routine checks of irrigation heads, wetting agents and practicing hand-watering also reduces our water use.

In keeping our golf courses healthy, the Glacier team applies plant growth regulators to reduce fertilizer and water usage, while maintaining optimum playing conditions. We spot treat and hand-pull weeds, maintain buffers around all waterways, use slow-release fertilizers and conduct regular soil tests as well.

On the ecological side of our green initiatives, we’ve installed a multitude of birdhouses around the course, and plan to sow wildflower seeds to expand our pollinator population.

At every touchpoint possible, we seek to make Glacier a more eco-friendly part of the earth. Learn more about what we’re doing on the ground from our monthly newsletter, where some of these projects are covered in more detail. As we continue to grow these initiatives and introduce new ones, we’ll continue to share them. Keep up with our ongoing programs, and join us in our commitment to protect our home.